Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer Jobs

Now that it's summer, you probably have more time on your hands. That means you can work more and make more money. Where can you find good summer jobs that pay well and are interesting?

Summer camps are a great place to get a summer job. Some are day camps and others require you to live there all summer. If you are good with kids and enjoy the outdoors, a summer camp could be a great job for you.

If you are older, a really cool job you might be able to get is on a cruise ship. If you've ever been on a cruise, you know that there is a huge staff and they get to go on the cruise too, even though they are working a lot of the time. It could be a really fun job and a great experience.

Amusement parks are another fun job. If you are lucky enough to live close by to one, you could get a job there. Look for something you think you would enjoy.

If you like the part time job you have, ask your boss if you can increase your hours over the summer. It will help you to make more money while you have the time.